Year 1 (Paper 1) Please review the following questions and try your best to answer to the best of your ability. Have fun! Student: First & Last Name *Teacher: First Name *1) How many seconds are in 1 minute? *3060902) Which shape is 3D? *TriangleCubeRhombus3) If mum and dad gave you a 50p and a 20p coin, how many pennies would you have? *73p90p70p4) Which is heaviest? *PlanePencilCar5) 92 + 100 = *1832921926) Which image is cut in half? *Option 1Option 2Option 37) How many months are there in one year? *12688) Which time shows half past 9? *Option 1Option 2Option 39) What number bonds make 17? *12 & 710 & 78 & 1210) Which image is cut in thirds? *Option 1Option 2Option 311) Which did Deb do first? *Option 1Option 3Option 212) How many minutes is 180 seconds? *1 Minute4 Minutes3 Minutes13) 78 - 15 = *61637114) 150 + 100 = *25017522515) What makes a rectangle? *A four sided shape with different lengths. Longer width and shorter height.A five sided shapeA four sided shape with equal sides16) Which is the related addition fact for 3 + 6 = 9? *6 + 3 = 96 + 2 = 85 + 3 = 86 + 4 = 1017) How many cubes long is the crayon? *342118) Which month comes right after March? *AprilMayJuneFebruary19) Which day comes right after Monday? *FridayTuesdaySundayWednesday20) Which distance is greater? Km or miles. *KMMilesSend Message