Privacy Policy
As part of any education service, Multiply Music Group Ltd collects and processes personal data relating to students’ personal information. The organisation is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses this data, and we keep up to data with data protection obligations.
What information do we collect?
Multiply Music Group Ltd collects a range of information about you. This information includes.
- Your name, address, and contact details (including email address and telephone number)
- Details of your personal progression at said lessons, attendance, and medical history
- Payment records
- Whether or not you have a disability for which the organisation needs to be made aware
How do we collect this data?
We may collect this information in a variety of ways. For example, data might be collected in application forms (Physical and digital), CV’s, identity documents, created progression data by our teachers and online account creations or through the Multiply Music Group website.
Who sees this data?
Personnel information is not shared with the public or any staff who does not deal with said students directly. Banking information is kept secret and is not shared with any staff members as Multiply Music Group Ltd uses GoCardless to create direct debit applications for its customers which help this process become safe and streamlined.
CV applications are only seen by senior ranking employees at Multiply Music Group Ltd and will not be distributed with other staff members.
Progression reports are recorded for the purposes of proof of progression and will be shared with the students’ parents’/guardians if they wish to see this information. We will also create anonymous graphs that prove progression and share with the public or headteachers of other schooling establishments. (Only data that has been granted permission for public eyes will be shared).
What do we do with data?
Data is stored for the sole purpose of improving Multiply Music Group Ltd services and to help keep students safe.
The following information is kept in a locket binder and/or on a digital copy on the work lapto and stored for a minimum of 5 years. (Unless the parents’/customers ask for this data to be deleted or if we delete customers information that the business no longer has use for or if their contracts have not been renewed);
- Medical history
- Name, address, emergency contact details
- CV’s
- Progression reports
- Payment records
Digital information may include and be stored on digital copies;
- Class registers
- Personal progression graphs
- Purchase history (Invoices and records)
This data is stored in these locations and updated when they’re necessary to do so.
Customers also have the right to request that their data not be continuously processed.
How does Multiply Music Group Ltd protect your data?
We take the security of your data seriously. We have internal policies and controls in place to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused, or disclosed and is not accessed except by our employees in the proper performance of their duties. If a cyber-attack happens or personal data becomes lost due to a breach, Multiply Music Group will report this incident within 72 hours to the local authority. All reported information will be logged, and consequences and countermeasures of this event will be made known. Unless the data leaked was encrypted, Multiply Music Group will also report this breach to the persons data who may be at risk.
How can I see this information?
All customers have the right to access their personal information as well as being able to update their personal information to keep it accurate and share their information with 3rd party members. As a result, Multiply Music Group has procedures in place to make this information easily accessible and all customers will be able to access this information by completing written documents for:
Updating information, requesting to see said information, deletion of customer information and 3rd party access approval.
What if I would like my personal data deleted?
All customers have the right to request for their personal information to be deleted at any time. These documents can be deleted very easily, and this process requires customers to complete a physical or digital request document seeking that this information be terminated.
As Multiply Music Group uses WordPress for its online services also, it’s possible for all online presence to be deleted as well.
What if you do not provide personal data?
You are under no statutory or contractual obligation to provide data to Multiply Music Group. However, if you don’t provide the information, we may not be able to process your application properly or at all.
If you would like to exercise any of these rights or simply ask a question, please contact us via our contact page.