Maths Syllabus
Please review the summary listing below which shows what’s taught at each year group and the Maths objective criteria’s that will be completed whilst having classes with us.
When you commence classes with Multiply Music you can start at any grade / level ability.
Year 1
Position & Shapes
- Direct and movement (Whole, half, quarter & three-quarter turns)
- 2D & 3D shapes
- Comparing weights / measurements
- Cutting shapes equally / equivalents (Fractions)
- Names of shapes (Including various locations and movement Adding & Subtracting
Adding & Subtracting
- Money values & Change
- Symbols and their meaning
- Number Bonds (Up to 20)
- Missing number problems
- Addition & Subtraction skill builders
- Sum & Difference
- Related subtraction facts
Patterns & Money
- Colour patterns
- Size and shape patterns
- Growing patterns
- Coin values
- Equivalent coins
- Exchanging coins
Data, Graphs & Measurement
- Tally charts
- Pictograms
- Interpreting charts
- Comparing
- Long and short
- Wide and narrow
- Measure objects
Multiplication & Division
- Symbols and their meaning
- Multiplication expressions
- Division for equal groups
- Counting equal groups (multiplication)
Time, Place Value & Probability
- Time sequencing
- Time values (seconds, minutes, hours)
- Reading clocks (Digital and analogue)
- Matching clocks and times
- AM and PM
- Seasons, months, and calendars
- Comparing numbers
- Number recall
- Read & writing numbers up to 100
- Counting to 3 (Pictures and frames)
- Counting to 10 (Including images)
- Skip counting (2s, 5s and 10s)
- Greater and less than
- More or less likely
Year 2
Subtraction & Addition
- Skill Builders (Subtraction) up to 20 (Including adding 0, pictures, number grids)
- Skill builders (Addition) up to 20 (Including adding 0, doubles, three numbers, + ones)
- Subtraction and addition sentences and related sums
- Understanding word problems up to 20
- Number lines up to 20
- True or False
- Column Addition and subtraction
- Grouping and models (Including tens and ones)
Multiplication & DivisionÂ
- Multiply up to 10
- Word problems and multiplication facts for 2, 5, and 10s (including true or false)
- Understanding multiplication (including model arrays, number lines and circle groups)
- Dividing equal groups
- Division sentences
- Relates multiplication and division arrays
- Divide up to 10
- Word problems and division facts for 2, 5, and 10s (including true or false)
Probability, Estimation & Sorting
- Estimation to ten (Smallest to biggest)
- Less or more likely
- Certainly, probability, unlikely, impossible
- Sorting objects & Venn diagram
- Equal, half and quarter parts
- Fraction shapes and comparing
- Number lines
- Word problems
- Fractions up to tenths
Data & Graphs
- Tally Charts
- Pictograms
- Comparing tables and creating
- Bar charts
Two & Three-dimensional Shapes
- Two-dimensional shapes
- Sides and vertices
- Symmetry
- Composing shapes and equal sides
- Identifying three-dimensional shapes
- Vertices, edges, and faces (3D shapes)
- Traced Shapes (3D shapes)
- Shapes to everyday objects
- Spatial Sense
Counting & Patterns
- Counting to 10, 20, 100
- Counting by 10s (Up to 100)
- Forwards and backwards
- Number Charts and number lines
- Odd and even Numbers
- Missing numbers and word problems
- Roman Numerals
- Shape patterns and trends
- Greater than
- Words to digits
Place Values
- Tens and Ones (Up to 100)
- Value Models
- Identifying digits
- Converting numbers
- Coin values and counting
- Equivalent groups (Comparing money amounts)
- Word problems (Including giving change)
Measurements & Time
- Comparing sizes
- Thermometers
- Reading rulers and appropriate metrics
- Reading Digital and Analogue clocks
- Comparing clocks
- Calendars (Including schedules and elapsed time)
Year 3
Counting & Number Patterns
- Skip counting (2, 5, 10)
- Skip counting (4, 8, 100)
- Skip counting (Missing number sequences)
- Charts
- Odd & Even Numbers
- Number lines
- Repeating patterns (Including growing patterns)
- Read and write clock times (analogue and digital clocks)
- Time words (o’clock, half, quarter)
- Comparing clocks (Including AM & PM)
- Elapsed time & and patterns
- Calendar’s & Schedules
- Identifying fractions
- Fraction bars and area models
- Number lines (including adding and subtracting)
- Comparing fractions (Including greatest fraction and equivalent fractions)
- Decomposing fractions
- Adding and subtracting fractions
- Word problems
- Division skill builders up to 10
- Division (Equal groups using images)
- Area models & divide using repeated subtraction
- Division tables and input and output charts
- Related multiplication and division sums
Perimeter & Area
- Perimeters
- Area (Including figures on grids)
- Two figures with the same are
Two & Three-dimensional Shapes
- Polygons
- Rotation & congruent shapes (including turns)
- Acute, obtuse, right angles
- Lines of symmetry
- Three-dimensional shapes
- Vertices, edges, faces and comparing to everyday objects
- Multiplication Skill builders up to 10
- Times tables up to 10
- Word problems (Including True or false questions)
- Multiplication (Written column method)
- Area models & Input and output charts
- Multiply using properties
- Division skill builders up to 10
- Division (Equal groups using images)
- Area models & divide using repeated subtraction
- Division tables and input and output charts
- Related multiplication and division sums
Place Values
- Models up to 100
- Value of digits up to hundreds
- Regrouping tens and ones to make a number
- Convert from expanded forms
- Word problems (including estimation)
- Estimating to the nearest 10 and 100s (Including sums)
- Comparing numbers up to 1,000
- Table charts
- Ordinal numbers up to 100th
- Converting digits to words (up to 1,000)
- Roman numerals
- Coin values and notes
- Equivalent money groups
- Add and subtracting money values
- Word problems (Including giving change)
- Least number of coins (puzzle problems)
Subtraction & Addition
- Input / Output tables
- Word Problems (up to three-digit numbers)
- Balancing equations (Addition and subtraction)
- Making numbers using addition and subtraction (including via images)
- Column addition and subtraction (up to three-digit numbers)
- Addition & subtraction (three or more two-digit numbers, 2- and 1-digit models, doubles, and zero’s)
- Related subtraction and addition sumsÂ
Data & Graphs
- Line plots, Bar charts
- Tally charts, Pictograms
- Line graphs, Venn diagrams
- Financial bookkeeping
- Reading financial records
- Probability: Spinners (less and more likely)
- Probability: Certain, probable, unlikely, and impossible
Units Of Measurement
- Appropriate measurement tools
- Converting metricsÂ
- Thermometers
- Word problems
Year 4
Place Values & Measurements
- Value models up to hundred thousand
- Value of digits
- Convert to/from a number
- Convert from expanded forms (Including word problems)
- Even & Odd (Including arithmetic rules)
- Skip counting (6, 7, 9, puzzles)
- Roman numerals
- Comparing numbers up to 100,000 (Including addition and subtraction)
- Convert between numbers and words (up to 10,000)
- Reading thermometers (including reasonable temperatures)
- Correct metric lengths assigned to the appropriate meaning (Including converting metric units of mass)
- Conversion tables (metric units, imperial units)
- Imperial units and converting imperial units of length and which are appropriate
- Volumes
Logic Reasoning & Patterns
- Guessing numbers (Including largest/smallest number possible)
- Age puzzles
- Find two numbers based on sum, difference, product, and quotient
- Repeating patterns (including next shape in the pattern, making own, growing)
Two & Three-dimensional Figures
- Identifying two-dimensional & three-dimensional shapes
- Identifying polygons (Including regular and irregular polygons)
- Lines, line segments and rays
- Angles (Greater than, equal to, right, obtuse, acute, reflex)
- Using a protractor
- Parallel and perpendicular lines
- Translations, reflections, rotation, symmetry (including finding lines and drawing lines of symmetry)
- Congruent shapes
- Identify faces of three-dimensional shapes
- Volumes (Including counting vertices, edges, and faces)
- Acute, obtuse, and right angles
- Scalene, isosceles, and equilateral triangles
- Parallel sides in quadrilaterals
- Identify: parallelograms, trapeziums, rectangles, rhombuses
- Draw quadrilaterals and classify
- Count coins and notes (up to ÂŁ5 note)
- Purchasing (have enough money up to ÂŁ10)
- Comparing money amounts
- Inequalities with money
- Add and subtract money amounts (including word problems)
- Price lists, Inequalities with money
- Multiplication facts for 2, 5, 10 (including true or false, sorting)
- Multiplication facts for 3, 4, 6 (including true or false, sorting)
- Multiplication facts for 7, 8, 9 (including true or false, sorting)
- Multiplication facts for 10, 12 (including true or false, sorting, missing factors)
- Multiplication terms up to 12 – Skill builders
- Factor pairs
- Input/output tables
- Area models
- Multiply three or more numbers
- 2-digit from a 3-digit (Including word problems)
- 3-digit & 4-digit numbers
- Balance subtraction equations (up to three digits)
- Subtraction up to 4 digits (Including input/output tables)
- Subtract across zero + missing number sentences
- Subtract multiples of 10, 100, 1,000 from a number
Perimeter & Area
- Perimeter of rectangles, rectilinear shapes, polygons
- Perimeter: missing side lengths (including rectangles), word problems
- Find the area of figures made of unit squares
- Two shapes with the same area
- Create figures with a given area (including rectangles)
- Find the area of rectangles and squares
- Understanding integers
- Graph integers on a number line (Including comparing and ordering)
- Count on a number line with negative numbers
Data & Graphs
- Objects on co-ordinate plane
- Co-ordinate planes as maps (including finding, counting distance, distance, or travel)
- Tally charts
- Frequency charts
- Bar graphs (Including creating own)
- Grouped data
- Line plots
- Pictograms (including creating and interpreting)
- Venn diagrams (Sorting and counting shapes)
- Division tables (Including word problems)
- Input / output tables
- Divide two-digit numbers by one’s digit numbers using area models (or without models + word problems)
- Divide three-digit numbers by one-digit numbers using area models (or without models + word problems)
- Divisibility rules/facts for 2, 5 and 10 (including true or false)
- Division facts for 3, 4, 6 (Including true or false)
- Division facts for 7, 8, 9 (Including true or false)
- Division facts up to 12 – Skill builders (including true or false, missing numbers, sorting)
- Counting equal groups (Including writing division sentences)
- Relate multiplication and division for arrays (including equal groups)
- Decimals to fractions (Visa versa)
- Decimals expressed in words.
- Round decimals to the nearest whole number
- Number sequences involving decimals.
- Graph decimals on a number line
- Comparing decimals (number lines, models, greater and less than, order of size)
Probability & Statistics
- Mean, Range
- Interpret charts to find mean, range.
- More and less likely
Operations with Decimals
- Add and subtract decimal numbers (Including word problems)
- Add three or more decimal numbers (Including word problems)
- Multiply a decimal by 10 or 100.
- Divide a whole number by 10 or 100 (Including decimal quotients)
- Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division terms
- Understanding brackets
- Equation using properties of addition (Including add using properties)
- Distributive property: find the missing factor (Including multiplication)
- Relate the following: addition and multiplication, multiplication, and division.
- Multiply by 0 or 1: complete the sentence.
Equations & Variables
- Identify equations.
- Solve for the variable (addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division)
- Write variable expressions (including word problems)
- Match clocks and time
- Write times (Including AM or PM)
- Elapsed time
- Read a calendar.
- Time patterns (Including Timelines)
- Converting 24-hour to 12-hour clocks (Visa versa)
Estimation & Rounding
- Round using a number line (Nearest ten or hundred)
- Round to the nearest ten, hundred, thousand
- Round money amount & puzzles
- Solve inequalities using estimation.
- Estimate sums up to 1,000 (Including word problems)
- Estimate differences up to 1,000 (Including word problems)
- Estimate products (Multiply by 1 or 2-digit numbers including word problems)
- Estimate quotients (including word problems)
Mixed Operations
- Multiplication and division facts up to 12 (true or false)
- Numerical expressions
- Input / output tables: add and subtract by 1,000 (Including finding rules)
- Add, subtract, multiply, divide word problems.
- Two steps word problems (including subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Add a two-digit number to three-digit number (including word problems)
- Balance addition equations (2 digit, 3-digit or 4-digit numbers)
- Adding 2x 3-digit numbers
- Addition input/output tables (up to four digits)
- Add three or more numbers up to three digits.
- Add multiples of 10, 100 or 1000s to whole numbers
- Addition patterns over increasing place values
- Fraction bars & Area models
- Fractions of a group
- Comparing Fractions & Drawing Number lines (Including graphing positions)
- Unit fraction (Including word problems)
- Fractions of a number (including unit fractions and word problems)
- Decompose fractions (Including into unit fractions)
- Add and subtract fractions with same denominators on number line.
- Add 3 or more fractions with the same denominator.
- Equivalent fractions using area models (1, 2 models)
- Equivalent fractions on number lines (Including graphing positions)
- Write fractions in lowest terms.
- Graph and compare fractions with the same denominator & numerator on number line.
Year 5
Place Value & Number Sense
- Values up to millions
- Standard and expanded form.
- Writing numbers and words (100,00, 1m)
- Roman numerals & Ordinal numbers to 100th place
- Rounding (Thousands, hundred thousand)
- Rounding puzzles and even and odd (including arithmetic rules)
- Put numbers in order of size (up to 1m)
Add and Subtract Fractions with Different Denominators
- Add & subtract fractions with different denominators (Including word problems)
- Add up to 4 fractions with denominators of 10 and 100.
- Subtract fractions with different denominators using models.
- Add three of more fractions with different denominators (including word problems)
- Add and subtract mixed numbers with different denominators (including word problems)
Money & Financial Literacy
- Compare money amounts.
- Round money amounts
- Add and subtract money amounts.
- Making change (Price lists)
- Budget allowance (Including saving options)
- Calculating profits
Multiplication: One digit, Fractions, Two Digits, Decimals
- Multiply multiplies (I.e., 10s, 100s, 1,000s)
- Properties of multiplication
- Multiply 1-digit numbers by 2 or 3 using area models.
- Multiply 2-digit by 2-digit (including models)
- Multiply 1-digit numbers by 4 using area models.
- Multiply 1-digit numbers by multi-digits, 4 digits and larger numbers.
- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers using number lines and models.
- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers: Sorting.
- Multiply fractions by whole numbers: Number lines, area models.
- Fractions of a number (Including word problems)
- Multiply by 10 or 100 (Decimals)
- Box & lattice multiplication
- Divide by 10, 100, 1,000.
- Multiply by 10, 100, 1,000 (Decimals)
Geometric Measurement
- Perimeters of rectilinear shapes
- Perimeters of polygons
- Perimeters: Missing lengths
- Areas of rectangles and squares
- Area’s (between two rectangles, word problems, to determine costs, Comparing)
- Volumes
Probability & Statistics
- Probability (Including predictions)
- Mode, median, range, Mean.
- Interpret charts (Mode, median, range, mean)
Decimals Up to Hundredths
- Model decimals and fractions (What is illustrated?)
- Place values in decimal numbers up to hundredths
- Equivalent decimals (number lines, up to hundredths)
- Fractions to decimals and vice versa
- Comparing
- Positive and negative decimals
- Sequences
Number Theory: Equations, Variables, Integers, Indices, Primes, and Common Factors
- Variable expressions (Including word, evaluate)
- Solve the variable (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
- Two-variable relationships (tables, writing equations)
- Square and cube numbers
- Divisibility rules (Including word problems)
- Factors (Pairs, Including primes, highest common, square numbers)
- Prime factorisation
Data & Graphs (Including co-ordinate plane)
- Reading tables
- Tally charts, line graphs, bar graphs, line plots, frequency charts (Including creating own graphs of all listed)
- Stem and leaf plots, pie charts
- Best types of graphs to fit correct purpose.
- Objects on co-ordinate plane
- Co-ordinate planes as maps
- Direction to starting point (using a compass)
- Subtract three-digit numbers (Including word problems)
- Balance subtraction equations – three-digits
- Subtract up to six-digit numbers (Including word problems)
- Fill in missing digits (up to six digits)
- Subtraction patterns
- Estimate differences = 4 digits, 6 digits (Including word problems)
- Matching analogue and digital clocks (Including reading clock times)
- Convert time units (Including fraction time units)
- Elapsed time (Including word problems)
- Convert between 12–24-hour time.
- Time patterns (Including transportation schedules)
Two Dimensional & Three-dimensional Figures (Including Symmetry and Transformations)
- Polygons (Including regular and irregular)
- Graphing triangles and quadrilaterals
- Lines, line segments, rays (Including parallel, perpendicular, intersecting)
- Congruent figures
- Lines of symmetry (lines, draw and rotational symmetry)
- Translations, Reflections, Rotations (Including combinations)
- Three-dimensional figures (Identifying, faces, Nets)
- Count vertices, edges, and faces.
Percents & Ratios
- Percentage illustrated.
- Understanding Percents – bar models
- Convert fractions to Percents and vice versa (Including using grid models)
- Compare Percents and fractions.
- Percent of a number
- Unit rates and ratio’s
- Division facts (2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12)
- Properties of division
- Division using repeated subtraction and distributive property.
- 2-digit numbers by 1 digit (Including area models, quotients, tables, remainders)
- 3-digit by 1 digit (word, tables, remainders, quotient)
- Zero’s
- 4-digit by 1 digit
- Comparing
- Inequalities
Add and Subtract Fractions with the Same Denominator
- Decompose fractions multiple ways.
- Adding & subtract same denominators (Area models, bar models, number lines)
- Add and subtract same denominators (Number lines, word problems)
- Add three or more fractions with the same denominator.
- Mixed numbers
- Properties of addition
- Addition patterns over increasing place values
- Add two & three-digit numbers (including word problems)
- Balance addition equations (three-digit numbers)
- Add numbers up to six digits (including word problems, missing digits)
- Choose numbers with a particular sum.
- Estimate sums (four-digits, six-digits, word problems up to six-digits)
Logic Reasoning, Patterns & Sequences
- Order
- Two numbers based on sum, difference, product, and quotient.
- Number Patterns (Including noticing mistakes, increasing)
- Number Patterns (geometric, shape)
Units Of Measurement
- Reading temperatures (Thermometers, differences in temperature)
- Appropriate lengths (including metrics, imperial metrics)
- Convert between metric and imperial units.
Decimals Up to Thousands
- Decimals expressed into words (up to thousands)
- Equivalent decimals (up to thousands)
- Convert fractions and mixed numbers to decimals (Visa versa = decimals to fractions and mixed numbers)
- Ordering decimals
- Acute, right, obtuse, and straight lines
- Angles as fractions in a circle
- Angles of degrees (90, 180, 270, 360)
- Measure angles (Using protractors, angles in a circle, estimates)
Add & Subtract Decimals
- Add and subtract decimals up to tenths.
- Add decimals up to hundredths, using blocks.
- Add and subtract decimals up to thousands (Including word problems)
- Add three or more decimals (Including word problems)
- Inequalities
- Estimate sums.
- Solve decimal problems using diagrams.
Fractions & Mixed Numbers
- Identify mixed numbers.
- Equivalent fractions (Area models, graph number lines, missing numerator, or denominator)
- Fractions of a whole or group
- Denominators of 10 and 100
- Patterns
- Lowest terms
- Fractions with different denominators
- Comparing
- Related division and fractions
Year 6
Multiply & Divide Fractions
- Multiply unit fractions by whole numbers (number lines, models, sorting)
- Fractions of a number
- Multiply two fractions.
- Divide unit fractions by whole numbers using models.
Add & Subtract Fractions
- Decompose fractions.
- Add & subtract fractions (Including number lines, word problems, same denominators)
- Add & subtract up to 4 fractions with denominators of 10 and 100.
- Add & subtract different denominators (Including models)
- Add three or more fractions with different denominators.
- Inequalities & Estimation
Division (Including Fluency + Decimals)
- Division facts up to 12 (Including word problems)
- Divide 1-digit numbers and decimals by whole numbers (including word problems)
- Estimate quotients (Including word and compatible numbers)
- Divide by 2-digit numbers using models and partial quotients.
- Divide 2 & 3-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.
- Divide 4-digit by 2-digit numbers (including word problems)
- Adjust & estimate decimal quotients.
- Relate multiplication and division.
- Divide numbers ending in zeros.
- Divide by decimals or whole number by 10, 100 or 1,000.
- Division patterns over increasing place values
- Divide a decimal by a power of ten with decimals (Including finding missing number)
- Divide decimals using blocks & area models.
Addition & Subtraction (Including Decimals & Integers)
- Whole numbers up to millions (Including word problems)
- Missing digits (4-digit column addition / subtraction)
- Properties of addition
- Inequalities in addition & subtraction
- Addition & Subtraction estimation up to six digits (Including word problems)
- Add & subtract decimals numbers (including using blocks, word problems)
- Decimals with a particular sum or difference
- Estimations & inequalities
- Understanding integers (Including use on vertical and horizontal number lines, comparing)
Two & Three-dimensional Figures
- Regular & irregular polygons
- Sorting polygons in Venn diagrams
- Lines, line segments and rays
- Parts of a circle
- Parallel, perpendicular, and intersecting lines
- Classify triangles & quadrilaterals.
- Missing angles & parallel sides (Triangles and quadrilaterals)
- Identify and draw: parallelograms, trapeziums, rectangles, rhombuses.
- Identifying three-dimensional figures (Including nets)
- Counting vertices, edges & faces
- Viewing 3D shapes from different perspectives
Ratio & Rates
- Writing ratios (Including fractions, word problems, equivalent)
- Ratio tables & unit rates (Including equivalents)
- Solve the proportion
- Scale drawings (Including word problems)
Co-ordinate Plane
- Describe co-ordinate plane
- Plotting graph points
- Maps & Objects
- Four quadrant grids
- Quadrants
Units Of Measurements
- Choose reasonable temperature (+ calculate temperature differences)
- Compare metrics (+ add and subtract)
- Imperial metrics (+ converting imperial units of lengths, weight, volume)
- Convert miles to kilometres
Mixed Operations (Including Equations & Variables)
- Add, subtract, multiply, and divide whole numbers
- Write numerical expressions (Including evaluating)
- Evaluate numerical expressions with brackets and square brackets
- Missing operators
- Equations with mixed operations (True or false)
- Add, subtract, and multiply fractions and mixed numbers (Including word problems)
- Write variable expressions (Including word problems, properties of addition and multiplication)
- Identify equivalent expressions using bar models
- Solve one-step equations using algebra tiles
- Solve one-step addition and subtraction, multiplication, and division equations with whole numbers
- Finding a value using two-variable equations
- Tables from graphsÂ
Data & Graphs
- Read tables
- Interpret pictograms, line graphs & plots
- Categorical data (Bar charts, double bar charts, grouped data)
- Frequency charts & stem and leaf plots
- Pie charts (Including central angles)
- Best type of graph
- Understanding probability (Including finding + experimental, making predictions)
- Find: Mode, mean, median, range (Including missing numbers of each)
- Interpret charts for: mode, mean, median, range
Fractions & Mixed Numbers
- Fraction review (whole, groups, equivalent, patterns)
- Lowest terms (Including lowest common denominator)
- Converting (Mixed too improper and vice versa)
- Arithmetic & Geometric sequences
- Division
- Reciprocals
Number Theory & Number Sequences
- Divisibility rules (Including word problems)
- Factors (Including HCF)
- Prime & Composite (Including prime factorisation)
- Lowest common multiple
- Following rule (Including number patterns)
- True or false (Addition & Multiplication)
- Linear & geometric sequences
- Increasing number patterns & Shapes
Symmetry & Transformations
- Lines of symmetry (Including rotational)
- Translations, reflections & rotations
- Congruent and similar shapes
Money & Financial Literacy
- Add & subtract money amounts (including word problems)
- Multiply money amounts (including word problems & decimals)
- Divide money amounts (including word problems & decimals)
- Price lists & Unit prices
- Advantages & disadvantages
- Payment methods
- Financial records (Reading & keeping)
- Budgets (Balance & adjust)
- What decimals are illustrated? (+ equivalent decimals)
- Place values and decimals expressed into words
- Rounding & number lines (Including comparing)
- Converting decimals to fractions or mixed numbers
Geometric Measurement
- Perimeter with whole number side lengths (+ decimals)
- Area of squares and rectangles (+ area of parallelograms, triangles)
- Area of compound figures (Including area between two rectangles)
- Area and perimeter of figures on grids
- Use area and perimeter to determine cost
- Volume of cubes and cuboids
Multiplication (Including Fluency + Decimals)
- Multiplication facts up to 12 (including finding missing factors)
- Multiply 1-digit numbers (including word problems)
- Properties of multiplication
- Multiply 2 by 2-digit numbers using area models (Including missing steps)
- Box & lattice multiplication
- Multiply 2 by 3- or 4-digit numbers (Including word and missing number problems)
- Multiply 3 or more numbers up to 2 digits each
- Inequalities with multiplication
- Multiply numbers ending in zeros
- Multiply a decimal by 10, 100, 1,000
- Multiply by a power of ten with decimals (including missing numbers)
- Multiply decimals by 1-digit whole number using distributive property & whole numbers (Including word problems)
- Multiply a decimal by 2-digit whole numbers using area models
- Multiply three or more numbers, one of which is a decimal
Place Value & Number Sense
- Convert between standard and expanded form
- Place values (Including word problems)
- Writing numbers up to ten million (Including converting words to digits & comparing)
- Roman numerals
- Rounding up to the thousands place
- Even & odd: Arithmetic rules
- Convert time units
- Elapsed time
- Convert between 12-hour & 24-hour
- Time zones (12-hour & 24-hour)
- Schedules and timelines (Including 12-hour & 24-hour & time patterns)
Angles & Problem Solving
- Types of angles
- Use of protractors
- Missing angles (Including vertical, adjacent angles, supplementary, complimentary)
- Largest possible quotient
- Multi-step (including word problems, remainders, reasonable answers)
- Guess & check problems
- Venn diagrams to solve problems
- Percentage illustrated
- Bar models & fraction grids
- Converting between Percents, fractions & decimals (including word problems)
- Comparing
- Percent of a number