1-2-1 EHCP / SEN Education

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A Quick Overview

Key Benefits @
Multiply Music

We’re here to make learning fun and teach key skills needed for re-entry into classroom settings and/or build qualifications that can be used to get jobs.

Multiply Music classes offers a structured kinesthetic learning environment that aids procession.

If your chid’s ambition is to be a rock star or even a Astro physicist, these classes are for you! We ensure a positive view to education and confidence, whilst gaining a musical academic qualification.

Key features include:

Tailored Classes

All new students integrated into our classes first complete a student profile. Here we can then create a custom lesson plan tailored to the students and see how we can best create a positive outcome.

Following this, we will then use a variety of techniques to create a custom programme. Whether that may be the graduated or individualised approach. 

To help reduce anxiety, families are given lesson plans ahead of time & shown monthly class goals, so that an open channel of communication is available to all.

Routines are keep clear and calming strategies are implemented.

Lesson Times

Our classes run either via a 30 minute or 1-hour class duration. All classes are taught via 1-2-1 class style, and are taught through a mixture of swapping between musical and mathematical learning made fun through various gameplay for kids to enjoy. 

Common EHCP classes are normally enjoyed / booked in for morning or daytime classes. This is due to our premises being quieter to help aid enjoyment, and ensure kids don’t feel overwhelmed. Therefore, please review the common class times that are enjoyed for these classes:

Monday – Friday: 9am – 3:30pm 

Common Process

To help create a custom learning experience for all and to ensure that families & children get the best learning experience we tailor our classes to suit our students.

To do this, we do the following:

1) Scheduling in a free taster class with the new student and their family or school representative (Here we offer a free 30 minute class to show how our classes operate, and allocate 30 minutes to answer any and all questions that you may have and create a lesson plan suited to fit the families needs).
2) For approved EHCP students, the next step is to simply organise a day / time for regular classes (common durations are 1-hour for classes and are enjoyed 3x per week). However, schools/families can pick any regularity that suits.
3) If families wish to proceed with classes, then Multiply Music contacts the council representative to approve funding and classes are approved.
4) A student profile is created to help Multiply Music create a custom learning experience.
5) The council / school representative & families are given access to our online portal system. Here parent’s can review all safeguarding, teaching material, progression graphs and relevant terms & conditions. 
6) Then classes are enjoyed and Multiply Music sends monthly invoices to the council finance department to pay. 

Useful Documents

Would you like classes?

Click the button below to create your tailored lesson experience